Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Book Of Miracles

January 10:
Here’s a peak at this morning’s conversation…

Over the years I have come to realize that I am not as good at this pastoring thing as I thought I would be when I first started.

When I first responded to Jesus’ call upon my life (thirty-five years ago) I thought that God was calling me to accomplish great things. After all, I understood that He had gifted me with a voice for singing and a heart for preaching and teaching. So, I pictured myself one day leading a large congregation that would reach thousands with the Good News about Jesus.

Looking back it sounds (even to me) like arrogance but I would actually call it ignorance. I honestly believed that the reason people didn’t trust in Jesus was that no one had made it clear enough how wonderful a relationship with Jesus really is. But, I was wrong. I didn’t really understand our capacity for hearing but not listening. I didn’t realize at the time how distracting our lives could really be.

For 35 years I have watched people attend church (some of them every Sunday for years) and still have it not affect the way that they live. I have watched as people listened to preaching (some of it very good preaching) and still not learn anything about their faith, their Savior, their Church or their lives. When I started, thirty-five years ago, I had confidence in my abilities. I am far less confident today.

But what I have also noticed over the last 35 years is that when people begin to read and study the Bible it changes their lives. This is not something that I profess to understand. This is simply an observation. The writer of Hebrews (in the New Testament) said, “…the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit…and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”

We’re not talking about some sort of Christian magic. There is no mystical blessing attached to this tome. This book is like any book; paper and ink. But the Author, the one behind the hands that actually penned the text, has a way of speaking through the text directly to our hearts.

This is why people like me will say (over and over again) to congregations of people that they have to spend time in the Bible. It will change your life. Don’t ask me to explain it. Just try it. This is the power of God’s word.

So, if you see yourself on a spiritual journey this is the one thing that you must commit yourself to. Open up your Bible and take the time to read it and studying it. This book, unlike any other book, will allow God to speak to your soul.

Some people think that we call it a book of miracles because it is filled with amazing stories of what God has done. But, we should call it a “book full of miracles” because it works miracles in our lives.


  1. Thank you for writing these insightful, delightful and thought provoking reflections and sharing them with others!!!

  2. I love the humility in which this was written and the concept that it is only through the Holy Spirit that this transformation can be explained. Faith is a mystery and a marvelous gift that belongs to everyone who seeks and asks.
