Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just Another Good Beginning

January 13:
I assumed this day would come. I just didn’t think it would come so soon.

When I started this electronic diary I seemed to be able to just crank them out. For a time I actually considered making this a daily blog. I was being naïve. I have that problem.

And then one day (it seems so long ago) I realized that I didn’t know what I wanted to say. It’s not that I stopped having new thoughts. I have a whole collection of un-posted blog entries that are nothing but clever beginnings. At this point they are simply words that go nowhere. For a while I toyed with the idea of trying to convert Wesley’s Child into a fill-in-the-blank blog. But, again, it was the beginning of an idea that is going nowhere.

So, I guess I will just have to be patient with myself. I’m assuming that at some point this “bloggers block” (a sort of 21st century writers block) will work itself out. In the mean time I will keep writing beginnings and wait for the endings to come.

Life is like that. (I feel an ending coming on.) Getting things started is easy. Getting things done is hard. I’ve started a hundred diets, sketched out a hundred unfinished paintings and written the first verse of a hundred poems. My life is littered with things undone.

In a similar way, deciding to follow Jesus is relatively easy. Following Jesus is hard. Lots of people have (as we say in the trade) “walked the aisle” (come forward to make a commitment to Jesus) but had it make no difference in their daily lives. I’ve said for years that the biggest problem we have is that the day after we commit our lives to following Christ we wake up in the same bed and go off to the same job we had the day before we made that commitment. This is where the church comes in. The church is a support group for people who are trying to live a Christian life. We need each other.

So, maybe I should work on my fill-in-the-blank blog. Wait! I’ve got another idea!

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