Thursday, March 4, 2010

Home Blessed

March 4:
For the first time in my life I am feeling homeless. It’s not like we are out on the street or living under a bridge. We still have a roof over our heads. It’s just that, for the first time in our lives, we know that we are leaving where are living now (we are here on limited time) but we don’t know where we are going to end up.

Normal people do this all the time. It’s just that for the last thirty plus years we have been parsonage dwellers. I don’t have time nor space to elaborate on parsonage living (it has both advantages and disadvantages) but let me just say that we are looking forward to being first time homeowners. But, until we find the house that God has set aside for us we are in a kind of property limbo. I guess it would be more accurate to call us “property-less” or “place where we keep all of our stuff-less.” Whatever the label, it’s still a little unnerving.

I have always heard it said, “home is where the heart is.” What this means is that I actually have a number of “homes.” I gave my heart to Jesus thirty-seven years ago and I have been trying to keep myself from taking it back every day since. As of this moment, it still belongs to Him (at least a sizeable piece of it.) My wife and children all lay claim to pieces of my heart as well. When I think of them I think of many of those things that make life special.

Ok, I take it back. I’m not “homeless” I am “home blessed.” I’m just not certain where I’ll park the car after July 1st.

You know, I'd be willing to bet that, if you think about it, you will discover you are “home blessed” as well.

1 comment:

  1. I think you should find something in between Elm Grove and Fort Atkinson so you can visit your church family often! Maybe just every Sunday and Christmas Eve. Is that too much to ask?
